Howdy! I'm AJ, a stone butch dyke who loves queer history, and especially the queer web 1.0! This site's mostly for me to archive stuff. 'specially graphics, from the old queer web that I love. My pronouns are zie/hir and zie/him, but I'll accept he/him, too.
As well as being a stone butch dyke, I'm a gentleman lesbian/sapphist, transsexual, and she-he. I tend to stick to older queer terminology (you can read about why in "About AJ") and I'm not interested in reclamation/label/etc. discourse from people who've never read Stone Butch Blues or been to a pride march that didn't work with cops. Please mind your own buisiness and don't bother me with it--and also, read Stone Butch Blues, here's a free PDF (made free & online by Feinberg her/hir-self).
This site isn't part of the DykeWrite webring yet--let us know if this is a mistake! |